[fullwidth_section] [banner height="700" img="/conf-data/IAHR2020old/images/IAHR2020_baner.png" tint="rgba(52, 73, 94, .40)"] [banner_icons] [fontawesome icon="fa-facebook"][/fontawesome][/banner_icons] [countdown date="2020-06-30 09:00:00"][/countdown] [banner_title class="banner-title"]6th IAHR EUROPE CONGRESS[/banner_title] [banner_desc]  HYDRO-ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING - NO FRAMES, NO BORDERS,
Warsaw, Poland 30.06-02.07.2020[/banner_desc]    [button color="red" type="" link="https://iahr2020.syskonf.pl/Program/SpecialSessions"]CALL FOR SPECIAL SESSIONS[/button]
[fullwidth_section tint="rgba(245, 245, 245, .80)" img="/conf-data/IAHR2020/images/tlorzeki1.jpg" fixed_image="yes"] [container class="mt-5 mb-5 pt-5 pb-5"]


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The IAHR Europe Congress has grown to become a very successful event, now poised to enter its sixth edition in Warsaw. As in previous editions, the Warsaw gathering will constitute an interdisciplinary platform for both experienced and (especially) young researchers, practitioners and educators to discuss the most recent research trends and findings in the fields of hydro-environment research and engineering. This time we would particularly like to acknowledge the fact that, by its very nature, hydro-science does not know and indeed should not know any borders or political demarcations, and as such we wish to invite researchers from any research centre or university from any European and non-European country. Moreover, just as water science does not know any political borders, hydrology and hydraulics research cannot be separated from environmental science, physics, geophysics, mathematics, etc. Researchers in these research fields may look at water systems from different perspectives, using their own tools. But they all have the same goal: understanding and protecting water resources. We would like this to be the main goal of the Warsaw Congress as well. Such aims can only be achieved when data and results are freely shared in a spirit of open, interdisciplinary and international cooperation.

In short, we want “No Frames, No Borders” to be the leitmotiv of the event.
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[container class="pt-5 pb-5"]​[section_header]KEY DATES[/section_header]
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[content_box icon="fa-calendar" title="Tuesday, 15.10.2019" subtitle=" " type="boxed"]Deadline for special session proposals. More  [/content_box] 
[/column] [column size="third" animation="fadein" animation_delay="0"]
[content_box icon="fa-calendar" title="Wednesday, 15.01.2020" subtitle=" " type="boxed"]Deadline for abstracts submission. [/content_box]  [/column]
[column size="third" animation="fadein" animation_delay="0"]
[content_box icon="fa-calendar" title="Friday, 20.03.2020" subtitle=" " type="boxed"]Notification of the paper acceptance. [/content_box] 
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[section_header]KEYNOTE LECTURES[/section_header]

[container][/container] [column_group] [column size="third" animation="fadeIn" animation_delay="200" ] [speaker shape="square" img="/conf-data/IAHR2020/images/Ian_Guymer.jpg" name="Ian Guymer," about="" institution="University of Sheffield, United Kingdom" class="link-Ian-Guymer"][/speaker][/column] [column size="third" animation="fadeIn" animation_delay="200" ] [speaker shape="square" img="/conf-data/IAHR2020/images/Jochen%20Aberle(1).jpg" name="Jochen Aberle" about="" institution="Technical University Braunschweig, Germany" class="link-Jochen-Aberle"] [/speaker] [/column] [column size="third" animation="fadeIn" animation_delay="200" ] [speaker shape="square" img="/conf-data/IAHR2020/images/wieprecht(1).jpg" name="Silke Wieprecht" about="" institution="University of Stuttgart, Germany" class="link-Silke-Wieprecht"]
[/speaker] [/column] [column size="half" animation="fadeIn" animation_delay="200" ] [speaker shape="square" img="/conf-data/IAHR2020/images/Patrick_Meire.jpg" name="Patrick Meire," about="" institution="University of Antwerp, Belgium" class="link-Partick-Meire"] [/speaker] [/column]
[column size="half" animation="fadeIn" animation_delay="200" ] [speaker shape="square" img="/conf-data/IAHR2020/images/Thomas%20Hein.jpg" name="Thomas Hein" about="" institution="University for Natural Resources and Life Sciences,Austria" class="link-Thomas-Hein"] [/speaker] [/column]
[fullwidth_section][container][/container]​[/fullwidth_section] [fullwidth_section tint="rgba(50, 50, 50, .20)" img="/conf-data/IAHR2020/images/tlorzeki1.jpg" fixed_image="yes"]
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[section_header]LOCATION[/section_header] [container class="pb-5"]
[column size="FULL" animation="fadeIn" animation_delay="250"]
The Congress will be held in Warsaw, at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW
(WULS-SGGW)  [/column]
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[content_box icon="fa-map-marker" icon_bg="white" icon_color="black" title="Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW" type="boxed"][map address="sggw" height="325"][/map][/content_box][/column][/column_group]